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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses: Sodium Lactate is found in cheese, sponge cakes and Swiss rolls, ice cream, jams, jellies, margarine, marmalades and sweets.

Vegetarians should be aware that as the source, Lactic acid, is a naturally occurring animal product it could conceivably be of animal origin.

Young children with lactose intolerance may show adverse reactions.

Description: The sodium salt of Lactic Acid E270. Sodium Lactate is hygroscopic and used in such products as sponge cakes and Swiss rolls where its ability to absorb moisture helps to retain the moisture content and thereby extend shelf-life.

It is also used for its synergistic effect on other substances antioxidant effect and sometimes as a substitute for glycerol E422.

E325 Sodium Lactate

                     E326 Potassium Lactate>>>