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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses:  Citric Acid is used in biscuits, canned fish, cheese and processed cheese products, infant formulas, cake and soup mixes, rye bread, soft drinks, fermented meat products.

Damages tooth enamel. Most citric acid is produced from corn, manufacturers do not always take out the protein which can be hydrolysed and create MSG (621) causing reactions in MSG-sensitive people.


Description: Citric Acid is a food acid, naturally derived from citrus fruit, although commercial synthesis is by fermentation of sugar beet molasses or corn based starch. It is then treated with sulphuric acid which produces citric acid and calcium sulphate as a by product.

It can also be extracted using solvent, probably hexane, which would become highly toxic through long term use. It is used in food as an antioxidant as well as enhancing the effect of other antioxidants, and also as an acidity regulator.

Present in virtually all plants, it was first isolated in 1784 from lemon juice, by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele, and has been used as a food additive for over 100 years.

E330 Citric Acid

                         E331 Sodium Citrates>>>