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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses: Polyglycitol Syrup is occasionally in some of Isomalt, E953, plus used in confectionery, dried fruits, low-joule foods, chocolate, jam, ice cream. Also found in breakfast cereals, biscuits, cakes and pastries.

Can cause intestinal gas and cramping, but some people may find themselves with diarrhoea.

Laxative in high concentrations. Studies have shown it can drastically increase blood sugar levels. It has also been discovered that it causes an increase of calcium excretion, and a reduction in the testes of rats. Suspected carcinogen.

Description: As with Mannitol and Sorbitol, Polyglycitol Syrup is also a glucose based sugar alcohol and is used as a humectant, artificial sweetener base, bulking agent, base for essences.

Starch decomposed with digestive enzymes which has been hydrogenated.

E 964 Polyglycitol Syrup

                            E965 Malitol >>>