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Don't Let Disability Keep You From Taking Part In Sports

Sports participation has plenty to offer people of any ability level. There's no need to become the next Michael Jordan or Alex Rodriguez to benefit from shooting hoops or swinging a baseball bat. Improved coordination, aerobic fitness, and muscular strength await anyone who gives their best effort. This includes people with physical challenges. In this post, we'll look at ways to rise above disability and enjoy the many benefits of athletic involvement.

Rule Number One is to Have Fun

That bit of advice may sound not only obvious, but downright counterintuitive. After all, isn't fun the point of any non-work activity? Well, not always. To see what we mean, just think of how many young people have found themselves forced to take music lessons or learn ice skating to please a well-intentioned parent. In almost all cases, the child abandons the activity as soon as possible. The countless closets filled with neglected clarinets or forgotten skates bear witness to the misplaced ambitions of adults and the fleeting interests of their kids. So, the first rule of sporting success is to do what you enjoy. Here are some ideas to stir your imagination:

Do This First

Any person, at any level of physical ability, should take a few common sense steps before engaging in fitness or sporting activities. These include:

There's a world of benefits waiting when you involve yourself in any physical activity, be it dancing, martial arts, competitive fitness, or what-have-you. So, give it your best shot, and may the wind be at your back. ‘Tóin re Gaoith’

Don’t Let Disability Keep You From Sports

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                   Wotzinurfood, as a food, health and food news site, does not impose any copyright, “freely ye have received, freely give” Matt 10:8. Made by Aim Day Co.   Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

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