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Biotech company needlessly uses fetal cells to test artificial food flavours

Senomyx, a San Diego, Cal.-based biotechnology company that specializes in food flavouring ingredients, is under fire for allegedly using aborted human foetal cells to test the effectiveness of its various synthetic flavouring agents. According to reports, the company.......                           .......Read More>>>

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Obama Ok’s Aborted Babies’ Brain in Lab Tests

The Obama administration is getting grief from a pro-life group for approving an experiment using the remains of the bodies of unborn children victimized in abortion.......      .......Read More>>>

Foetal Attraction

H. Ronald Zielke is a bank director. His institution collected $1.4 million in federal funds last year—but inside, you won't find money. You'll find human tissue.......                             .......Read More>>>

Aborted Babies Are Being Chopped Up And Sold To Researchers

Did you know that aborted babies are being chopped up and sold to medical researchers all over America? There is a federal law which is supposed to ban this practice, but it contains a gigantic loophole that abortion clinics are using to sell huge amounts of aborted baby parts to the scientific community

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Avoid Any Products Containing Aborted Foetal Cells

Many opposing viewpoints have been raised on the morality of using consumer products which are cultivated on aborted foetal cell lines. Regardless of your position on abortion, the fact that there is an entire industry around the manufacture of foods, beverages and medical products which routinely utilize aborted foetal tissue.......                                                                   .......Read More>>>

19 Facts About Abortion That Should Make You Very Sick

Every single day, a silent horror kills more Americans than were killed on 9/11. Every single year, this silent horror kills about as many Americans as have been killed on all the battlefields in all of the wars in U.S. history combined

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