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GAVI GUTS UK For £1.5 Billion, Gates Applauds

On Monday 13th June, David Cameron hosted a meeting with GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) and sent shock waves around the world, after he pledged £814 million of taxpayers money to the to a child vaccine programme run by Bill Gates.......                         .......Read More>>>

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The Plan to Depopulate Africa Softly

It is has been revealed that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is closely connected with Monsanto.This is a sad but not surprising coincidence......                      .......Read More>>>


Gates to Waste $10 Billion on Vaccine Research

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation plans to donate $10 billion over the next decade to research new vaccines.......      .......Read More>>>

Bill Gates Foundation Invests in Evil Monsanto! & Vaccine?

Farmers and civil society organizations around the world are outraged by the recent discovery of further connections between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and agribusiness titan Monsanto

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GM Rice is a Trojan Horse: Misled by Bill Gates and Monsanto

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has approved $20 million in new monies toward the development of "golden rice" an untested, controversial GM crop that threatens bio diversity and risks bringing economic and ecological disaster to Asia's farms.......                                                                                                                              .......Read More>>>

Monsanto’s Deadly Gift for Earthquake-Striken Haiti

The earthquake that hit Haiti in January is proving to be a lucky business break for Monsanto. They are offering Haiti's farmers a deadly gift -- 475 metric tons of genetically-modified (GM) seeds, plus associated fertilizer and pesticides.......                                                            .......Read More>>>


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