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Calcium Propionate, Food Additive

I have decided to do some posts on some of the nasty food additives that we commonly eat. I think we tend to just focus on the carbs being evil too much and forget about what else we put into our mouths and our children's mouths.......                                                                .......Read More>>>

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Truth about Codex Alimentarius
Having spent the past twelve months investigating Codex Alimentarius, I am deeply disturbed by the almost total lack of awareness

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The bread preservative E282

This week we focus on the bread preservative E282 and the symptoms it is displaying in the population at large, all because of bread.......                                                      ......Read More>>>

The side effects of Calcium Propionate

Calcium propionate is an antifungal that your body is thought to process relatively easily. The Centre for Science in the Public Interest indicates that calcium propionate is added to bread products to prevent mould growth.

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Calcium Propionate , possible link to Cancer and Autism

The addition of food additives to our food affects the nutrient qualities and life giving energy in our food. These chemicals have been linked conclusively to disease ranging from allergies to cancer

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Real Big Mac ingredients expose the truth behind “MuckDonalds”

It isn’t just in McDonalds buns. Here’s links to the main Fast Food ingredient lists, Subway, McDonalds, KFC, Wendy’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut and Domino’s to name a few (click links)                                       .......Read More>>>


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