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Chemtrails: Our opinion on Aluminium

By Mark Allen. Published 8 October 2012

In this Wotzinurfood archive, we show you the dangers of the chemical aluminium oxide, and the dangers it reveals. This toxic chemical is being sprayed from the skies, onto our fields and rivers causing untold damage and misery to plants, animals and people alike.

Now that this spraying activity has been admitted by mainstream politicians in Sweden, it is a good opportunity to let our own MP's do something about it, call the wolves from the door, and clean up our skies.

They claim to support cleaning up the environment and making a cleaner planet, yet they spray this death and destruction, using the most toxic experiments and claim, under the banner of geoenginnering, that this is helping the environment. If this isn't sheer hypocrisy, I don't know what is.

People are being destroyed for lack of knowledge, and most of our politicians are either too busy chasing meaningless agendas or are too caught up they don’t know what’s going on behind their backs. Hopefully this information, and the outspoken MP’s will latch onto this, and champion our cause.

We should all get in contact with our local MP's and get them to work for their wages, and clean this mess up, instead of letting this go and we all get poisoned, and then there'll be no-one to govern.

Hhmm! come to think of it, maybe that's what they want

P.S.  If you want to see the dangers of this Aluminium chemical, please click here to see the PDF                                     

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