The Poisons You Put On Your Face 2


Petrochemicals are petroleum based chemicals that can be found in a wide range of cosmetics. Here are some of the more common petrochemicals used in skin care products.



Parabens are a class of chemicals commonly used by the cosmetic industry as a preservative. As a preservative they are effective at stunting the growth of bacteria and fungus and can increase the shelf life of cosmetics and personal care products. The most common parabens found on cosmetic and personal care product labels are methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and isobutylparaben and are chosen depending on the range of antimicrobial activity needed. Although parabens have been in use for decades, a wide range of negative health issues are now being associated with their use.

Recent studies have indicated that the side effects of parabens when used as ingredients of skin care products are much more severe than previously thought. Paraben exposure has been linked to mild skin irritations and the more severe skin conditions, contact dermatitis and rosacea.

Parabens also appear to increase the production of oestrogen, which can affect both men and women. Dr. S. Oishi, of the Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory, has done several studies on the effects of skin care products on male sperm count. In his latest study, Dr. Oishi found that daily sperm production of the test animals exposed to parabens “significantly decreased.”

For women, the effects are even more troubling. In December, 2012, the National Institute of Environmental Health added oestrogen to its list of known cancer-causing agents. It has specifically been found to increase the risk of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer. So when research shows that parabens in skin care products increase the oestrogen in a woman’s body, that’s cause for concern. Add to that the fact that parabens have been found in the tissue of 99% of breast cancer patients, and you go beyond concern. Now parabens have never been directly linked to breast cancer or any other cancer. But the fact that so many studies have shown these risks should make anyone who knows about them concerned for the safety of themselves and their family.


The companies that produce skin care products include these potentially harmful ingredients because they are cheap, easy alternatives to reach a desired result.

They can sit on the shelf longer

   Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol is a chemical added to help products maintain moisture and to prevent them from drying out. You can find it in brake fluid, anti freeze and other commercial and industrial grade coolants. Propylene glycol has been found to cause skin irritation and sensitivity in less than a 2% concentration. What is further alarming is the fact that the industry review panel allows cosmetic and skin care products to be comprised of up to 50% Propylene Glycol.

According to a 2010 study by Karlstad University, the concentrations of PGE’s, propylene glycol and glycol ethers in indoor air, particularly bedroom air, have been linked to increased risk of developing numerous respiratory and immune disorders in children. These disorders include asthma, hay fever, eczema, and allergies, with increased risk ranging from 50% to 180%. This concentration has been linked to the use of water-based paints and water-based system cleansers.

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                   Wotzinurfood, as a food, health and food news site, does not impose any copyright, “freely ye have received, freely give” Matt 10:8. Made by Aim Day Co.   Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

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