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Company uses aborted baby cells to test Artificial Flavours

A pro-life group that monitors the use of cells from babies victimized by abortions is today highlighting a biotech company, Senomyx, which it says produces artificial flavour enhancer's using aborted foetal cell lines to test their products.......                                                                     .......Read More>>>

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A List of Companies using HEK 293
Companies messing with our food and we should avoid their products are Nestlè, PepsiCo, Kraft and Campbell Soups etc.......      .......Read More>>>


How big is the Market for Aborted Babies

I guess it shouldn’t surprise any of us to find out that the abortion industry has joined ranks with members of the business community to further profit from their grisly business ......Read More>>>

Gardasil guards against almost nothing

On the morning of 2 October 2009, one of us (Joan) joined an audience of mostly health professionals and listened as Dr. Diane Harper, the leading international developer of the HPV vaccines, gave a sales pitch for Gardasil.

.......                                                                           .......Read More>>>                                                                                                                                  

Study shows Abored Foetal Cells can cause Autism

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency conducted a study, published in Environmental Science & Technology,1 that shows a correlation between the rise in autism rates since the 1980’s and the use of foetal cells from aborted pregnancies.......                                                                             .......Read More>>>

Harmful  Chemicals found in liquid Medicines for Babies

Newborns are not able to swallow pills and capsules, and liquid medicines are thus used to treat any medical problems they may have.......                                                                                  .......Read More>>>


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