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Could a traditional food have pain- and inflammation-reducing effects similar to over the counter pain medicine like ibuprofen? Scientists from Italy, Spain, the U.S. and Australia have discovered that extra virgin olive oil can provide significant health benefits, including the ability to help reduce pain and inflammation. This robust, flavorful oil is an example of the food as medicine concept, that foods can have a powerful impact on health. From ancient Greece to the Holy Land, olive oil has been treasured. Celebrated as sacred in Greek mythology, the olive branch symbolized peace in Hellenic culture. Evidence of this ancient oil was discovered in 1901 at the "Room of the Olive Press" at Knossos on the island of Crete in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. From there olives were pressed into oil over 4,500 years ago and the olive oil was exported to North Africa and mainland Greece. Cultivation of olive trees spread around the Mediterranean where olive oil flourished along with many early civilizations. The bible speaks of olive oil, and it has been used by Christianity and Judaism as a holy anointing oil.

Ibuprofen is a risk to health

PAINKILLERS taken by millions of people in Britain every day can dramatically increase the risk of a condition which causes heart attacks and strokes. Patients regularly taking ibuprofen to ease crippling ailments including arthritis can see their chances of.........                                                  .......Read More>>>

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Do you know all the dangers of Aspirin

Do you take aspirin? This is a trade name for the drug acetylsalicylic acid. Many people take aspirin for aches and pains occasionally. Some people troubled by regular or frequent pains, such as headaches, may take aspirin quite often. Of course acetylsalicylic........                                             .…..Read More>>>

Millions risk overdosing on paracetamol by ignoring daily limit

Millions of people are at risk of unintentionally overdosing on Britain's most popular painkiller, scientists have warned. Nearly a quarter of adults taking paracetamol are misusing the drug by exceeding the recommended limit with a 24-hour period. This can lead to.......                              .......Read More>>>

Olive Oil: A natural painkiller

Could a traditional food have pain- and inflammation-reducing effects similar to over the counter pain medicine like ibuprofen? Scientists from Italy, Spain, the U.S. and Australia have discovered that extra virgin olive oil can provide significant health benefits, including.......                       .......Read More>>>

How Turmeric can be used to treat arthritis

Turmeric is the crude extract, and curcumin is the purified compound from the root and stem of the Yellow root (Curcuma), which is a perennial plant of the ginger family. It can also be artificially produced. Turmeric is also very useful for the treatment of arthritis and........                                .......Read More>>>

How Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Relieve Pain and Inflammation

What do the top authors, doctors and health experts have to say about the realtionship between omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation? I asked my Private Research Library that question recently and was overwhelmed with the remarkable wisdom it revealed........                            .......Read More>>>

aspirin-can-cause-bleeding-and-death paracetamol-can-cause-liver-failure ibuprofen-a-risk-to-health heart-healthy-secrets-olive-oil oatmeal-helps-blood-sugar-in-diabetes-fotolia salmon-omega-3-treats-depression

Hops in beer act as a natural painkiller

More than partying, people often get wasted to relax. And while most of us view drinking after a long day as just a way to numb and even kill off some brain cells, it can actually have healthy applications. Beyond mental stress, beer can actually alleviate physical stress, too........      .......Read More>>>
