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     Vitamin Section. 
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Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol or Calciferol)

DESCRIPTION:: The beauty about Vitamin D is that it’s free. All we need is about 15 minutes of sunshine on our skin directly, and our bodies absorb this, where it is sent to the gallbladder and liver for processing. This in turn is stored in our body fat and liver for later use. It is important to have adequate intake of Vitamin D as a deficiency can lead to other conditions like rickets in children or Osteomalacia in adults. It may also contribute to Cystic Fibrosis as low levels of Vitamin D are found in sufferers. Low levels may also inhibit the formation of bone and teeth, as it can affect how calcium and phosphorus are utilised. Sun creams also interfere with Vitamin D uptake as they block out the effects of direct sunlight.


POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Vitamin D helps the body’s ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus, which in turn helps with the formation of bones. It also promotes good vision, protects against rickets, cystic fibrosis and is even said to help with weight loss. It helps with mineral absorption, maintains a healthy heart and nervous system prevents hypocalcemic tetany (involuntary jerking of hands and feet) and helps with blood clotting.


POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS: Vitamin D is a safe vitamin to take on a regular basis. There have been some contradictions in the past regarding safe levels. Some have said up 100,000 I.U’s are safe, while 65,000 long term is deemed toxic. There is also some thinking that too high levels of Vitamin A may interfere with Vitamin D’s potency. Vitamin D should be taken with calcium with phosphorus in addition. As Vitamin D is produced within the liver and gallbladder, any disorders, including the intestines, will have a major effect on overall production. Cholesterol lowering drugs (Statins), along with hormone therapy, steroids and petroleum based mineral oils will have an effect on absorption. Thiazide (hypertension) diuretics may upset the calcium and Vitamin D ratio.

POTENTIAL INTERACTION: Should be taken with Calcium.

GENERAL USAGE: May be taken daily. Some cholesterol-lowering drugs may interfere with absorption.

FOOD SOURCES: Alfalfa and their sprouts, avocado, bee pollen, butter, carrots, chickweed, comfrey, cod liver oil, dairy products fortified with Vitamin D, Dandelion, egg yolk, fish liver oils, fish having fat distributed throughout its flesh, garlic, halibut, herring, leafy greens, dandelion, lemon grass, liver, mackerel, marshmallow root, milk, mushrooms, oatmeal, oysters, salmon, sardines, seeds, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, tuna, vegetable oil and yeast.
