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     Vitamin Section.

Vitamin F (Essential Fatty Acids)


DESCRIPTION:: Essential fatty acids (EFAs) cannot be made by the body and have to be supplied through nutrients. These EFA's are also known as unsaturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are often advised to patients from doctors to lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels and reduce strokes and heart attacks. The most essential of all EFAs is linoleic acid. What does this mean? Your daily requirement should be 10 - 20% of your total calorie intake of the day. Primrose and Black Currant Oil contain very large amounts of linoleic acid. You can find cold deep water fish containing more Omega 3 EFAs than any other source. Flax seed oil contains large amounts of magnesium, potassium and fibre. It is also a fantastic way to provide B Vitamins, protein and zinc. It is low in saturated fats and calories. You can mix the oil with any juice or water. You can also take the flax seed oil by the tablespoon because it’s a nutty taste.      

POTENTIAL BENEFITS::May assist in the reduction of weight and it provides the body with a fatty substance that can easily be metabolised. Supports healthy blood cholesterol levels, nervous system, cardiovascular health and circulatory function. Helps to nourish your immune system, skin and hair. Enhances joint function, making movement easier. Supports glandular activity, especially the thyroid and adrenal glands. Aids in blood coagulation and calcium transport to cells.    

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POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS:: None known when taken as directed.


GENERAL USAGE: May be taken daily.   


FOOD SOURCES: Omega-6 fatty acids: almonds, avocado, bee pollen, fruits, garlic, ginger, liquorice root, nuts, olive oil, oranges, parsley, peanuts, pecans, root vegetables, seeds, spinach, spirulina, all kinds of sprouts, sunflower seeds, vegetable oil, wheatgerm, wheat, wheatgrass and grains. Omega-3 fatty acids: these are hard to find in the diet . . . deep-green vegetables and fish oils, flax seed, hemp seed, pumpkin seed, canola, soybean, walnuts, wheatgerm, chia, kukui (candlenut)





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