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     Vitamin Section.

Vitamin P (Bioflavonoids)


DESCRIPTION::Bioflavonoids are water-soluble compounds found in fruits and vegetables and destroyed by heat. They consist of hesperidin, rutin, citrin, flavones and flavonols. Bioflavonoids are essential for the proper absorption and enhancement of Vitamin C.      

POTENTIAL BENEFITS:Works with Vitamin C to assist in connective tissue maintenance and capillaries, which is why it helps heal bruises, bleeding gums and oral herpes. It fights off free radicals to promote immune functions, fight the common cold and infections. It may help maintain healthy blood vessels walls. Helps to treat dizziness and oedema. Bioflavonoids also have an antibacterial affect which promotes circulation, they stimulate bile production which can help lower cholesterol levels. It may also help aid in the treatment of cataracts.

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POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS:None known when taken as directed. Extremely high doses may cause diarrhoea.


GENERAL USAGE: May be taken daily.   


FOOD SOURCES: The white skin of the citrus fruit (the pith of the citrus), apricots, blackberries, buckwheat and bilberry, burdock root, blackcurrant's, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, green tea, juniper berries, lemon, oranges, parsley, peppers, plums, prunes, and rose hips.