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Dangerous Caution Safe


Uses: Typical products which include Brown HT are foods where a chocolate colour is required, e.g. cakes and biscuits and food mixes.

Can produce bad reactions in asthmatics and people allergic to aspirin; also known to induce skin sensitivity; thought to be a carcinogenic in food, ADD children can have an adverse reaction to this dye.

Not recommended for consumption by children.

Its use is banned in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States.

Description: Brown HT is a chocolate colour, coal tar and azo dye; used in chocolate cake mixes.

A highly toxic additive with many side effects. Many of these dyes are discharged into the environment, like rivers and therefore can find their way into animals and ultimately humans




E155 Brown HT

               E 160 Carotenes>>>