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Minerals Section.

Potential Benefits: Research has shown that Vanadium reduced blood sugar levels in animal and human test subjects. Additionally, subjects who took Vanadium demonstrated an improved response to insulin intake.

The ability to reduce blood sugar while increasing insulin efficiency is thought to be an indicator that Vanadium benefits individuals with diabetes. However, the levels of Vanadium needed to produce these beneficial effects may cause unknown side effects to humans.

Description: Vanadium is a metallic element with the atomic number 23 and the symbol V. On the periodic table of elements, it is found in Group 5, and in Period 4 between titanium and chromium. It is referred to as a “transition metal.”

Vanadium is a soft, ductile element. Described as silvery-white in colour, or, when it is a powder, as light-grey with a silvery sheen.


Potential Side Effects: Vanadium can easily be toxic if taken in synthetic form. It may cause nerve damage, blood vessel damage, kidney failure, liver damage, stunted growth, loss of appetite and diarrhoea. Can also cause bloating, diarrhoea and stomach pain.

Excess Vanadium in humans has been suggested as a factor in bipolar conditions.

Potential Interaction: Recent studies explore whether vanadium might have a role in helping to lower the blood sugar levels of people who have diabetes.

Other studies have hinted that vanadium may have a role in the formation of the skeleton in animals. Between 10 and 60 mcg of vanadium is consumed daily in a normal diet.

General Usage: May be taken daily.

Food Sources: Corn, Dill, Gelatin, Lettuce, Lobster, Meat, Mushrooms, Olives, Parsley, Radishes, Seafood, Snap Beans, Soy, Vegetable Oils and Wheat Grains.