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Potential Benefits: Thiamine promotes neurotransmission involved in memory and learning. Its roles include carbohydrate metabolism, maintenance of normal digestion and the appetite, and it is essential for normal function of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular system.

It also provides a certain amount of energy. It may be helpful for fertility and lactation.

Description: Vitamin B1, Thiamine is a water-soluble nutrient that is not stored in the body and has to be replenished every day. It is not so easily destroyed by normal cooking temperatures.

It is found widely in animal and plant tissues but rarely in high concentrations, except in brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B1   (Thiamine)

Potential Side Effects: None if taken as recommended.

Potential Interaction: Should be taken with or as part of a B-complex vitamin.

General Usage: May be taken daily, and may be consumed and used up by antibiotics.  

Food Sources: Alfalfa sprouts, almonds, asparagus, avocado, barley, bee pollen, Brewer's yeast, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chickpeas, dandelion, dates, egg yolks, figs, fish, flax/linseeds, flour, garlic, kelp, kidney beans, lentils, liver or organ meats, macadamias, navy beans, oatmeal, onion, oranges, parsley, peanuts, peas, pecans, plums, pork, dried prunes, raisins, wild rice, rice bran, salmon, seeds, soybeans, spirulina and sunflower seeds, green vegetables, watercress, wheat germ, whole grain cereals, and wheatgrass.