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Minerals Section.

Potential Benefits: As the iodine mineral is ingested, 75% of this mineral makes its way to the thyroid gland. Once there, iodine joins up with two important hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland: triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Every part of the body requires these hormones.

Most importantly, they play a role in the body's ability to produce energy. These hormones control and regulate basal metabolic rates. Thyroid hormones are also what helps control a child's mental development and overall growth rate.

Pregnant women who do not get enough iodine increase the risks that their newborn babies will develop some degree of mental retardation.

Description: The Iodine mineral is one of the family of trace minerals and as such, the body does not require large amounts of Iodine. However, the Iodine mineral is a very important element of several key body functions.

In fact, Iodine was deemed to be so important that the US government passed legislation recommending that Iodine be added to table salt to ensure that Americans got an adequate supply of this essential mineral.


Potential Side Effects: An accidental iodine overdose from supplements or medications that exceed one gram can cause a burning sensation in the mouth, stomach and throat, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, weak pulse, diarrhoea and coma.

Potential Interaction: Since Iodine plays a role in producing energy, the most notable symptoms of a deficiency include lethargy, slowed reflexes and a slowed metabolic rate. Skin can become dry and hoarseness can develop in the throat. The amount of fat in the blood supply can increase which is why obesity is one of the symptoms of an Iodine deficiency. If the deficiency continues for a long time, the thyroid gland can become enlarged. An enlarged thyroid gland is called a goiter. A goiter develops when the thyroid gland is forced to work extra hard to produce adequate levels of thyroxine. Goitres usually protrude from the side of the neck. In children, a deficiency of iodine may cause mental retardation.

General Usage: May be taken daily.

Food Sources: Artichokes, Asparagus, Butter, Cheddar Cheese, Cod, Condensed Milk, Fish Broth, Fish Oils, Haddock, Iodised Salt, Jaffa Cakes, Malt Bread, Mayonnaise, Naan Bread, Sea Salt, Sea Weeds and Kelp, Sea Foods, Trifle, and most dark green vegetables