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Minerals Section.

Potential Benefits: Its major function is to combine with protein and Copper in making haemoglobin. Haemoglobin transports oxygen in the blood from the lungs to the tissues which need oxygen to maintain basic life functions.

Iron builds up the quality of the blood and increases resistance to stress and disease. It is also necessary for the formation of Myoglobin which is found only in muscle tissue. Myoglobin supplies oxygen to muscle cells for use in the chemical reaction that results in muscle contraction.

Iron also prevent fatigue and promotes good skin

Description: Iron is a metallic chemical element which has been utilized by humans for centuries. The metal has played such an important role in human history that an entire era, the Iron Age, is named for it.

There are numerous industrial uses for iron, with the metal often appearing in alloys, and it is also considered a trace element which is vital for human health.

You probably interact with iron in numerous alloys and forms every day, since the element is a ubiquitous part of life on Earth.


Potential Side Effects: If you don’t have any good sources of iron in food, you may feel lethargic and fatigued even when you’ve eaten and rested. People who get enough iron in a day tend to be more up and active throughout the day.

Potential Interaction: Severe iron deficiency results in anaemia with small, pale, red blood cells that have a low haemoglobin concentration. Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy increases the risk of premature and low birth weight babies.

In young children, iron deficiency is associated with behavioural abnormalities (such as reduced attention span), and reduced cognitive performance that may not be fully reversible by iron replacement.

In adults, severe iron deficiency anaemia impairs physical work capacity. Moderate iron deficiency without anaemia is most common in 1 - 2 year-old children (9%), and females 12 - 49 years old (9 - 11%), reflecting rapid growth or menstrual iron loss, and is less common in other groups. Also may result in weakness, paleness of skin, constipation, anaemia.

General Usage: May be taken daily.

Food Sources: Almonds, Apricots, Beef, Blackcurrant's, Black Treacle, Boiled Lentils, Boiled Mussels, Cashew Nuts, Curry Powder, Dandelion, Dark Chocolate, Dried Figs, Fish Paste, Flax/Linseeds, Garam Masala, Goose, Ground Cinnamon, Ground Thyme, Hazelnuts, Heart, Kidney, Liquorice, Liver, Liver Pate, Liver Sausage, Oat and Wheat Bran, Paprika, Pheasant, Pumpkin Seeds, Red Kidney Beans, Rosemary, Sesame Seeds, Shrimp, Soy Beans, Tinned Sardines, Tinned Anchovies, Tinned Pilchards, Venison, Watercress, Whitebait, Wheat germ, Wholemeal Bread,