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Potential Benefits: Vitamin B2 is important in the formation of certain enzymes and natural growth and reproduction.
It also participates in our adaptation to light. Helps support vision and cellular respiration. Promotes energy production and healthy red blood cell formation.
Riboflavin also aids in the maintenance of healthy skin, nails and hair growth. It may be helpful in stressful situations.
Description: This vitamin also known as riboflavin, is a water and alcohol soluble micro nutrient. Vitamin B2 aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
It is unstable in light and not destroyed by heat in cooking unless with alkali.
Food Sources: Alfalfa sprouts, almonds, apples, apricots, asparagus, avocado, banana, beans, bee pollen, brewer's yeast, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cashews, cheese, cherries, chicken, currants, dandelion, dates, eggs, figs, fish, flax/linseeds, garlic, grains, green vegetables, kelp, liver, meat, milk, nutritional yeast, nuts, onion, organ meats, parsley, poultry, prunes, rose hips, seeds, spinach, spirulina, sprouts of kinds, watercress, wheat germ, wheatgrass, wild rice, and yogurt.