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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses: Sodium Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate can be found in margarine, pickled cucumbers, fruit products, pickles, sauces, deserts, soft drinks, processed fish, pineapple juice and table olives.

People who suffer from asthma, aspirin sensitivity or the skin disease urticaria may have allergic reactions and/or find their symptoms become worse following consumption of benzoic acid, particularly in combination with tartrazine E102.

The Hyperactive Children's Support Group* believe that a link exists between this additive and hyperactive behavioural disorders in children.

Not recommended for consumption by children. Also see E210

Banned in Australia and France.

* Hyperactive Children Support Group (HACSG) (Canada)

Description: The Sodium salt of benzoic acid, Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate is used as a preservative, both antibacterial and anti fungal. It is a white or yellow powder which is extracted using solvents, chiefly methanol or wood alcohol, which is highly toxic to humans with as little as 10 ml doing damage including blindness.

E219 Sodium Methyl p-Hydroxybenzoate

           E 220 Sulphur Dioxide >>>