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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses: Products such as pears, carrots, peaches, plums, prunes, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, pineapple, tomatoes, peppers, cherries, and nectarines are typically treated post harvest.

Eye contact can cause severe irritation and burns with possible eye damage. For some individuals, 2-phenyl phenol can also irritate the skin. It is one of the chemicals that the Hyperactive Children's Support Group* recommends be eliminated from the diet of children. Not recommended for consumption by children. Not permitted in Australia.

* Hyperactive Children Support Group (HACSG) (Canada)

Description: The sodium salt of orthophenyl phenol, sodium orthophenyl phenol, is a preservative, used to treat the surface of citrus fruits to prolong shelf life.

2-Phenyl phenol is found in low concentrations in some household products such as spray disinfectants and aerosol or spray underarm deodorants.


E231 Orthophenyl Phenol

               E 232 Sodium Orthophenyl >>>