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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses: Calcium propionate is in many bakery products, especially bread and various pastries and some dairy products. It is now appearing in biscuits, cakes, buns and store baked bakery products.


Can cause symptoms similar to a gall bladder attack. See also E280 and E281.

Has been linked to potential ADHD in children which is a false diagnosis and should be avoided at all costs by children.

Also, symptoms include, Reactions can be anything from the usual range of food intolerance symptoms: migraine and headaches; gastro-intestinal symptoms including stomach aches, irritable bowel, diarrhoea, urinary urgency, bed wetting; eczema and other itchy skin rashes; nasal congestion.

Dangerous additive and should be avoided.

Description: Calcium propionate is the calcium salt of propionic acid, E280. It is used as an anti microbial agent in bread to prevent germination of some types of bacteria which causes sticky yellow patches to occur.

Calcium propionate and the other propionates E280-283 occur naturally in many foods and dairy products like Swiss cheese. In small amounts they are not harmful but, as with other additives, the effects are dose related.

Very few people will be affected by two slices of preserved bread but effects are cumulative, so can build up slowly over days or weeks, varying with the dose. This makes identification of the cause of symptoms extremely difficult.

Like all additives, this preservative was not tested before approval for its effects on children's behaviour and learning ability.

E282 Calcium Propionate

             E 283 Potassium Propionate >>>