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Uses: Disodium Phosphate is added to powdered milk to prevent gelation. Typical products include processed meat products, processed cheese products, powdered milk.

Too much in diet leads to loss of calcium in bones and onset of osteoporosis. Phosphoric acid is banned in organic food and drinks.

Phosphoric acid is a highly acidic ingredient in cola drinks, used to offset the extreme sweetness. The way the kidneys excrete it is by bonding it with calcium taken from the bones, which can then leave the bones porous and brittle, and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Description: Disodium Phosphate is a sodium salt of Orthophosphoric Acid and is used as an antioxidant synergist, stabiliser and buffering agent in food. It is also used as an emulsifier in the manufacture of pasteurised processed cheese.

Other names: disodium hydrogen phosphate, disodium orthophosphate, sodium hydrogen phosphate, disodium mono hydrogen phosphate, phosphoric acid disodium salt. Also: (i) Monopotassium phosphate (ii) Dipotassium phosphate (iii) Tripotassium phosphate.

Impure phosphoric acid has its main application in fertilisers, and also in the synthesis of pure phosphoric acid. In turn pure phosphoric acid is used in food, detergents, pharmaceuticals and metal treatment (e.g. pickling, cleaning, rust-proofing, polishing).

E339 Sodium Phosphates

              E340 Potassium Phosphates>>>