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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses: Calcium Tartrate is used in fish and fruit preserves, seaweed products, pharmaceuticals, but also in biscuits and baby rusks. It is also a  tobacco additive permitted in the UK in March 2000.

80% of ingested tartaric acid is destroyed by bacteria in the intestine, with the fraction that is absorbed into the bloodstream being excreted in the urine.

Large amounts can cause gastro-enteritis. No known adverse effects in small quantities.

Mostly safe but they are not allowed in infant food, as infants lack the necessary enzymes to metabolise these compounds.

Description: Calcium Tartrate is a calcium salt of tartaric acid, E334, a natural acid present in fruits. It is also used as an acidity regulator and preservative.

In fruit it can be free or either combined with potassium, calcium or magnesium. Sometimes deposited as crystals in wine.

A dicarboxylic acid, also called dihydroxybutanedioic acid, the free acid was first isolated in 1769 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, although, in a partially purified form tartar was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Most L-tartaric acid is manufactured as a by-product of the wine industry. The sediments, and other waste products from fermentation are heated and neutralised with calcium hydroxide and then the precipitated calcium tartrate is treated with sulphuric acid to produce free tartaric acid.

Can also be extracted from tamarind pulp.

E354 Calcium Tartrate

                                 E355 Adipic Acid>>>