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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses:  Magnesium Chloride is used in making tofu from soy milk and baby milk formulas.

Industrial grade not for human consumption. Consuming large amounts can act as a laxative, and in some cases can cause toxicity in susceptible people.

Description: Magnesium Chloride is a natural salt, part of sea salt and rock salt. As a mineral salt, it is a firming agent, and also an essential mineral. It is an ionic compound of chlorine and magnesium and sometimes contains Aluminium, although not if extracted naturally.

In the process of making chlorine, mercury is used to create an amalgam with Sodium. Mercury is the second most toxic substance known to man. Chlorine is then added to drinking water, to ‘so-called’ purify it. Apparently the use of mercury in this process is being phased out by 2020.

E511 Magnesium Chloride

                 E512 Stannous Chloride>>>