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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses:  Calcium Ferrocyanide uses include metal removal in wine, anti-caking agent, seasonings, spices.

Reduces oxygen transport in the blood, which in turn may cause breathing difficulties, dizziness or headache.

Banned in the United States.

Studies on rats demonstrated kidney damage and skin and eye irritation. Large quantities is not a good idea because while it is not as lethal as other forms of cyanide, it still can harm the human body.

Studies in aquatic animals caused harm to fish, frog and toad populations.

Description: Calcium Ferrocyanide is prepared from Hydrogen Ferrocyanide and Calcium Hydroxide. Synthetic crystallising agent. By-product of coal gas production; See E535

It has a variety of uses both on the industrial level, in home and road maintenance, and in photography. Also used in a gold plating solution and galvanizing silver and pewter.

E538 Calcium Ferrocyanide

    E541 Sodium Aluminium Phosphate>>>