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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses:  Calcium Polyphosphate is used as an emulsifier and stabiliser salts for use in foods mainly with dairy and cheese products in them, everything but fizzy drinks!

May cause enzyme blocking in the digestive system and cause calcium phosphorous imbalance. May also cause bone problems as phosphorus removes calcium from bones.

Banned in Australia.

Avoid it.

Description: Calcium Polyphosphates are produced from applying heat to calcium phosphate from non-animal origin.

Phosphates are also used in making baking powder and cola drinks, and great quantities are used in fertilizers and detergents.

Phosphates are present normally in all living things and are an essential component of our diet.

A phosphate is a salt of phosphoric acid; therefore two phosphate strings are called polyphosphate.



E544 Calcium Polyphosphates

     E545 Ammonium Polyphosphates>>>