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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses:  Argon is used to displace oxygen- and moisture-containing air in packaging material to extend the shelf-lives of the contents.

Aerial oxidation, hydrolysis, and other chemical reactions which degrade the products are retarded or prevented entirely.

However, should there be an oxygen-deficient environment caused by release of a large quantity of argon, especially in a confined space, a person may experience symptoms such as headache, ringing in the ears, dizziness, drowsiness, unconsciousness, nausea, vomiting and depression of all the senses.

Being confined to an oxygen-deficient environment for a prolonged period of time can even prove fatal.

Description: Argon is the third most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere, at 0.93%, making it more common than carbon dioxide.

Argon gas also has uses in incandescent and fluorescent lighting, and other types of gas discharge tubes.

E938 Argon

                                       E939 Helium>>>