The LIES about Psychotropic Drugs

Zyprexa, Risperdal, and Seroquel for Children? Even if it kills them? ‘Sure, why not’, say Psychiatrists who rake in millions of undisclosed payoffs to endorse killer drugs.

Dr. Joseph L. Biederman, psych and a major perpetrator of inventing false claims of safety for psychotropic drugs for children.

Biederman’s endorsement and assurances that several very dangerous psychotropic drugs, which were known to increase suicide by as much as 6 times in children, were stated by Biederman to be completely safe and recommended for the use of children as young as 2 years old.

Biederman had hidden the fact that he received about $1.6 million dollars from sponsoring pharmaceutical companies for his endorsements. He did not make his financial interests known to ethics committees until facing a Senate investigation.

Dr. Joseph L. Biederman, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and chief of paediatric psychopharmacology at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital.

Now children as young as two years old are now being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Due directly to his involvement in paving the way for these drugs to be prescribed to kids, these kids are drugged needlessly with psychotropic drugs, many of those drugs were not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for that purpose and none of which were approved for children under ten.






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