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Uses: Typical products that include calcium carbonate are tinned fruit and vegetables, wine, vitamin supplements, bread, cakes and other flour products. sometimes used to de-acidify wines and firm canned fruit and vegetables.
Toxic at 'high doses' due to mineral imbalance and many other physical problems such as haemorrhoids, kidney stones, abdominal pain, confused behaviour.
High levels of ingestion may result in flatulence, constipation, haemorrhoids and bleeding anal fissures.
Description: Calcium carbonate occurs naturally. The most common form of calcium carbonate is limestone. Other forms include chalk, marble, corals, fieldspar, dolomite, eggshells, stalactites, stalagmites and calcite. Also known as Calcium Hydrogen Carbonate, Calcium Carbonates.
Limestone is a major building material as quick lime (CaO) and slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) are derived from it. Specially precipitated CaCO3 is extensively used in the paper industry as it adds brightness, opacity, ink receptivity and smoothness to the finished product.
Calcium carbonate is also used as a filler in rubbers, latex, paints and enamels, and in plastics, as well as finding use as a mild abrasive in toothpastes and an antacid.