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Uses: Phosphoric acid typical products include carbonated beverages, processed meat, chocolate, fats and oils, beer, jam, sweets. In fizzy drinks it allows more carbon dioxide concentration without bottle burst.

Soft drinks, mostly colas, beer, cheese products, snacks, and most processed foods may contain it.

Too much in diet leads to loss of calcium in bones and onset of osteoporosis. Phosphoric acid is banned in organic food and drinks.

Phosphoric acid is a highly acidic ingredient in cola drinks, used to offset the extreme sweetness. The way the kidneys excrete it is by bonding it with calcium taken from the bones, which can then leave the bones porous and brittle, and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

A study, published in the Archives of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine in 2000, showed that athletic teenage girls who consume cola drinks have been found to have five times the risk of bone fractures of those who do not.

Description: Orthophosphoric acid/Phosphoric acid can only be obtained pure in the crystalline state and slowly undergoes dehydration to diphosphoric acid. Crystalline phosphoric acid has a hydrogen-bonded layer structure in which each molecule is attached to 6 others.

Impure phosphoric acid has its main application in fertilisers, and also in the synthesis of pure phosphoric acid. In turn pure phosphoric acid is used in food, detergents, pharmaceuticals and metal treatment (e.g. pickling, cleaning, rust-proofing, polishing).

Car bodies and electrical appliances are all protected against rust and blistering by the presence of a phosphatised undercoat.

Phosphoric acid is used in the production of activated carbon, and may be used in soft drinks to give a sour taste.

E338 Phosphoric Acid

                     E339 Sodium Phosphates>>>