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Uses: Typical products include fats and oils, bakery goods, various meats, including sliced ham, potatoes mostly fried wedges, dried soups and food supplements as cod liver and fish oils. As extracts of rosemary have been used for some time under the guise of ‘natural flavouring’, it’s inclusion now requires it to be listed.
Although the tests may show a slight rise in liver weight, our major concern is the use of petroleum based products to strip the nutrient and flavours from the rosemary.
This process is used extensively in vegetable oil extraction, which has been proved to highly toxic to all kinds of life, even contributing to cancer, various organ disease and ultimately death. Extracting rosemary the same way would therefore suggest, long term this may be a toxic additive
Description: Extracts of Rosemary, as the name suggests come from the rosemary leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis L where it is to be used as an antioxidant. The main compound contained in the plant, a phenolic acid called carnosol, is said to have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory benefits.
There are 5 types of extraction: F62 using acetone, D74 using supercritical CO2, AR using partially deodorised ethanol, ARD using deodorised ethanol and RES using hexane and ethanol. However, under food guidelines, tests over 90 days saw no major toxicity other than increase in liver weight.
E392 Extracts of Rosemary