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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses: Typical products include ice cream and frozen desserts, meringue, icings, sweets, fondants, cream, milk and yogurt.

Believed to present a negligible risk to health.

A gelatinous substance derived from seaweed. It is used in bulk-forming laxative medicines, sometimes combined with liquid paraffin, and in certain preparations for the treatment of obesity. This, however, is strange as eating the product Agar contains will cause obesity.


Description: Agar-Agar is produced from members of the Gelidiacae, Sphaerococcaceae and Rhodophyceae seaweed families.

It is used in food as a gelling agent, although the resulting coagulation is rather brittle and not as effective as carrageenan or gelatin

E406 Agar

                               E407 Carrageenan >>>