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Uses: Soybean Hemicellulose may be found in yogurt, ice cream, cream cheese, non dairy creamers and confectionary (sweets).
In the USA, the Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings about certain confectionary products (jelly type sweets) containing Soybean Hemicellulose.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission staff and the Food and Drug Administration consider this type of confectionary to pose a serious choking risk, particularly to infants, children and the elderly.
Description: Soybean Hemicellulose is very popular in Japan as a cooking supplement for soups and stew-like dishes, once cooked, Soybean Hemicellulose is reduced to a substance somewhat stiffer than gelatin.
The resultant material is pressed into blocks and sold like tofu in the grocery stores.
The main substance in Soybean Hemicellulose is called soy husk which has a low calorie content but is rich in dietary fibre.
Clinical studies indicate that Soybean Hemicellulose may be responsible for weight reduction and reducing cholesterol in those who have high cholesterol levels.
E426 Soybean Hemicellulose