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Wotzinurfood Regulate, Colon Cleanse, Detox and Weight Loss, All Natural Ingredients, Digestive Disorders

Regulate, Colon Cleanse, Detox and Weight Loss, All Natural Ingredients, Digestive Disorders

Wotzinurfood Regulate is a blend of seeds and herbs designed to help gently, but powerfully, cleanse and detox your colon and also help with weight loss, all in an easy to drink powder. Not only for weight loss and detox, this powder mix is amazing for general health, to regulate your whole immune system, and fight against many problems associated with a western diet and lifestyle.

Organic Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, the type that protect your heart and against inflammation. They have been used by the Aztecs for centuries for medicinal purposes and joint pain. They are full of minerals and antioxidants and are excellent for absorbing water and fat, which also helps with weight loss.

Organic Hemp Seeds: Hemp seeds are also high in Omega 3 fatty acids, and protect against high blood pressure and aid in lowering cholesterol, blood sugar and reduce inflammation. They are also high in minerals, antioxidants and vitamins as well as enzymes. Can help with circulation issues and are said to be beneficial for diabetics.

Organic Psyllium Husk: Psyllium is a known laxative, which gently and effectively 'scrapes' the gut and colon to leave the the sides clean which aids absorption of vitamins and minerals into the body. It also promotes regular and overall digestive health without flatulence. It is also beneficial in reducing cholesterol levels and can help diabetes and heart health.

Fennel: Fennel has been used in the Mediterranean for thousands of years for both cuisine and health benefits. Helps with bone and heart health, reduction in tumours, inflammation and aids immunity. Helps regulate both high blood pressure and blood sugar. Can help making you feel full for longer, reducing appetite and also cleanses the colon reducing constipation.

Italian Parsley Leaf: Parsley has been used in cooking for centuries, but has recently been found to reduce tumours. It has also been used to help prevent diabetes, keep the blood thin, and help with bone health. It is also a natural diuretic and helps with bloating and indigestion.

Peppermint Leaf: Peppermint has many food uses, but when it comes to digestive health it is extremely therapeutic. It counteracts irritable bowel syndrome, gas and bloating, dyspepsia and indigestion, and maintains digestive health. Peppermint has also been found to attack some harmful moulds and can be effective against candida yeasts and help to prevent its spread.

Cascara Sagrada: Cascara is a natural laxative, and has been used for centuries by North American Indians, who then passed it on to the Spanish invaders. Its primary use is to soften the stool, along with fibre, (Chia and Hemp Seeds etc) water and exercise, and takes pressure off for those suffering from haemorrhoids and anal fissures. It is also useful preventing inflammation, irritable bowel, Crohn's disease and the treatment of bowel cancer.

Uva Ursi: Uva is a mild diuretic and antiseptic, and is useful for conditions like diarrhoea and urinary tract infections. It is also effective in fighting against bacteria including e-coli, streptococcus and candida albicans yeast infections. It is also used to treat high blood pressure, which is helpful for diabetics.

Take one teaspoon of Regulate in 6-8 ounces of fruit juice (grapefruit, orange, or apple preferred) or water, once or twice a day on an empty stomach, before meals, or as directed by your physician. Let mixture rest in the liquid for 5-10 minutes to start absorption, stir and drink in one go. Swirl glass with additional water and finish any sediment.

Safety Information
Do not take if you are pregnant or lactating or use extreme care.

Constipation, however, taking Regulate on a daily basis will produce results, and keep a cleansed colon and general overall feeling of well being.