Dangers in Toothpaste 4

9. Glycerin


Glycerin is a syrupy, sweet, colourless liquid obtained from fats and oils. Its alternate uses include print and ink making, conserving preserved fruits, making lotions and lubricating moulds. It can also be used to prevent freezing in hydraulic jacks, and as it has an antiseptic quality, it is sometimes used to preserve scientific specimens in high school labs. Glycerin prevents toothpaste from drying out and helps maintain product consistency.

You are probably as shocked as we were to discover what’s in toothpaste, and what we are exposing ourselves and our children to everyday. Although there are proponents that warn against the use of all of the above ingredients, sodium fluoride is the one ingredient that triggered the FDA to require warning labels on toothpaste.

Here are some facts about fluoride.

The FDA lists fluoride as an “unapproved new drug” and the EPA lists fluoride as a “contaminant”.

Fluoride has never received “FDA Approval” and is considered to be a toxic waste product from the fertilizer industry.

A July 1998 report for The American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry states that at least 22% of all American Children now have dental fluorosis as a result of ingesting too much fluoride. Fluorosis is light spots and discolouration forming on developing teeth of children. In advanced cases, pitting of teeth can occur. Fluoride has been linked to many harmful health effects including:

Alzheimer’s, kidney damage, gastrointestinal problems, cancer, genetic damage, neurological impairment, bone decay, tooth decay, arthritis, and osteoporosis. You may check the Internet for government and scientific reports Validating this at http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/Fluoride.htm.

Battelle released the results of its study on fluorides and rats in April 1989. The study showed a dose--dependent relationship between the incidence of oral cancerous tumours and fluorides. After learning this, the National Cancer Institute did a study and found that as exposure to fluoridation increases, so does the incidence of oral cancer; sometimes by as much as 50%.

In 1990, forty US dentists brought a case against the American Dental Association contending that the Association purposefully shielded the public from data that links fluoride to genetic defects, cancer and other health problems (Columbus Dispatch, Oct 21, 1990). Since 1990 over 45 US cities have rejected fluoridation.

Ninety eight percent of Europe’s drinking water is now fluoride free. In 1986--1987, a study involving 39,207 children aged 5--17 showed no statistical difference in decay of teeth from using non--fluoridated or fluoridated water (Dr J. Yiamouyiannus Water Fluoridation & Tooth Decay Study, Fluoride 23:pp55-67,1990.).

Although there is a growing movement against the use of fluoride, there are also some large corporations with deep pockets and strong lobbyist in Washington DC that have a significant interest in continuing to sell fluoride.

Dangers in Toothpaste can lead to very serious consequences, including the disconnection of gum tissue from teeth, and even tooth breakage and tooth loss.

There are many simple ways of fighting gum disease but the most effective is seriously diligent oral care using an effective dental care product. Health risks from chemicals and toxins in oral hygiene products are the most avoidable of all the health risks we face.

You don't have to be a biochemist to get these risks out of your life. It's as simple as changing brands.

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                   Wotzinurfood, as a food, health and food news site, does not impose any copyright, “freely ye have received, freely give” Matt 10:8. Made by Aim Day Co.   Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

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