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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses: As an emulsifier it lowers the surface tension of water allowing the better combining of oils, fats and water in such foods as chocolate, ice cream, margarine and mayonnaise. In bread and bakery products it increases volume and also acts as an anti-staling agent thereby extending shelf life.

In margarine it has the added advantage of preventing water leakage, so preventing spitting when frying, and protecting beta-carotene E160a. In chocolate it allows a reduction in the cocoa butter content, prevents crystals forming and reduces viscosity E476. Soy lecithin has the same binding ability as egg yolk lecithin and can be used in place of eggs in many products.

Research has suggested that prolonged use may cause sterility in males, so if used from childhood, as in chocolate bars, may cause serious concern for the populace as a whole. If this is true, could this concept be used as population control which would defy nature.

Description: Lecithin is present in all living cells and is a significant constituent of nerve and brain cells.

Commercial lecithin, most of which comes from soy bean oil, which may be Genetically Modified, contains a mixture of phosphoglycerides containing principally lecithin, cephalin and phosphatidyl inositol.

Other sources are egg yolk, from where it was originally obtained, and leguminous seeds, including peanuts and maize, which also may be Genetically Modified. Vegetarians should be aware that it can also be obtained from animal fat.

In cells lecithin protects the membranes and the polyunsaturated fats within the cells from oxygen attack.

E322 Lecithins

                                 E400 Alginic Acid >>>