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Dangerous Caution Safe

Uses:  Monocalcium, Dicalcium and Tricalcium Citrates typical products include gelatine products, ice cream, wine, carbonated beverages, sweets, jams, evaporated and condensed milk, tinned vegetables, milk powder, processed cheeses.

Abnormally high intakes of potassium carry potentially harmful effects, including tissue damage, the rupture of blood cells, kidney damage and heart arrhythmia that can lead to cardiac arrest.

Intakes greater than 18 grams at once can result in hyperkalemia (too much potassium in the bodily fluids) with serious and even fatal results.


Description: Monocalcium, Dicalcium and Tricalcium Citrates are calcium salts of citric acid, E330, and are used as an antioxidants in food as well as to improve the effects of other antioxidants.

They are also used as acidity regulators and sequestrants.

Citric acid, naturally derived from citrus fruit, although commercial synthesis is by fermentation of sugar beet molasses or corn based starch.

It is then treated with sulphuric acid which produces citric acid and calcium sulphate as a by product. It can also be extracted using solvent, probably hexane, which would become highly toxic through long term use.

E333 Calcium Citrates

                              E334 Tartaric Acid>>>