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                   Wotzinurfood, as a food, health and food news site, does not impose any copyright, “freely ye have received, freely give” Matt 10:8. Made by Aim Day Co.   Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

E100 Curcumin/Turmeric

E101 Riboflavin/Riboflavin-5’-phosphate

E104 Quinoline Yellow          C.I. 47005

E110 Sunset Yellow FCF       C.I. 15985

E120 Cochineal/Carminic Acid/Carmines

E122 Azorubine/Carmoisine C.I. 14720

E123 Amaranth                   C.I. 16185

E124 Ponceau 4R                C.I. 16255

E127 Erythrosine                C.I. 45430

E128 Red 2G                       C.I. 18050

E129 Allura Red AC             C.I. 16035

E131 Patent Blue V             C.I. 42051

E132 Indigo Carmine          C.I. 73015

E133 Brilliant Blue FCF       C.I. 42090

E140 Chlorophylls/Chlorophyllins

E141 Copper Chlorophylls/Chlorophyllins

E142 Green S                      C.I. 44090

E150a Plain Caramel

E150b Caustic Sulphite Caramel

E150d Sulphite Ammonia Caramel

E151 Brilliant Black BN      C.I. 28440

E153 Vegetable Carbon

E154 Brown FK

E155 Brown HT                  C.I. 20285

E160b Annatto/Bixin/Norbixin

E160c Paprika Extract/Capsanthian

E160d Lycopene

E160e Beta-apo-8’-carotenal

E160f Ethyl Ester of Beta-apo-8’-carotenoic acid

E161b Lutein

E161g Canthaxanthin

E162 Beetroot Red/Betanin

E163 Anthocyanins

E170 Calcium Carbonate

E171 Titanium Dioxide

E172 Iron Oxides and Hydroxides

E173 Aluminium

E174 Silver

E150c Ammonia Caramel

E175 Gold

E160a Carotenes

Food colouring is any substance, liquid or powder, that is added to food or drink to change its colour. Food colouring is used both in commercial food production and in domestic cooking. Due to its safety and general availability, food colouring is also used in a variety of non-food applications, for example in home craft projects and educational settings.

People associate certain colours with certain flavours, and the colour of food can influence the perceived flavour in anything from candy to wine. For this reason, food manufacturers add dyes to their products. Sometimes the aim is to simulate a colour that is perceived by the consumer as natural, such as adding red colouring to glacé cherries (which would otherwise be beige), but sometimes it is for effect, like the green ketchup that Heinz launched in 2000.

While most consumers are aware that food with bright or unnatural colours (such as the green ketchup mentioned above, or children's cereals such as Froot Loops) likely contain food colouring, far fewer people know that seemingly "natural" foods such as oranges and salmon are sometimes also dyed to mask natural variations in colour. Colour variation in foods throughout the seasons and the effects of processing and storage often make colour addition commercially advantageous to maintain the colour expected or preferred by the consumer. Some of the primary reasons include:

Offsetting colour loss due to light, air, extremes of temperature, moisture, and storage conditions, Masking natural variations in colour,  enhancing naturally occurring colours, providing identity to foods, protecting flavours and vitamins from damage by light,

decorative or artistic purposes such as cake icing and birthdays and other celebrations.

A growing number of natural food dyes are being commercially produced, partly due to consumer concerns surrounding synthetic dyes.

Colours Info

                   Wotzinurfood, as a food, health and food news site, does not impose any copyright, “freely ye have received, freely give” Matt 10:8. Made by Aim Day Co.   Terms of Use | Privacy Policy


E102 Tartrazine

E180 Litholrubine BK